Friday, December 21, 2012


-It's Christmas Break
- I'm safe at school
- My family loves me
- I have friends
- I have a BEST friend
- I can be myself
- I don't care what people think about me, or my ugly sweaters :)
- No school for a while
- Parties
- It's the Christmas Season
- Answers to prayers
- The Savior, his life and that He died for me

Merry Christmas y'all! Enjoy spending the holiday with your family. xx

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


In the past few days I have experienced way too many feelings. Haylor. One Direction playing Madison Square Garden. Payzer getting back together. Haylor. Boys. Boys. Boys. It's a lot to put on one girl. Haylor. Is not okay. And it's not that I don't want Harry to be happy, it's just that I wish he could be happy with someone else. Someone that won't make a boat load of money off their break up. I just don't want him to get hurt.

Boys. It's always a horrible feeling when you have to sit by your friend and her boyfriend. Cause they're all in love and you're just sitting there like 'I. Love. Food.' good thing I'm forever alone with my best friend or I couldn't make it through the day. But then sometimes boys are sweet and you're like 'Aww! I could love you!' but you never know what they're really thinking. Sometimes it is too much for a person and you have to pick food over a boy.

Hopefully your love life is way more existent than mine. :)